Friday, February 24, 2012

About a Girl

I probably should explain a bit about myself...

I'm 21, a student, raised in The Netherlands, living in the U.S. for University. I currently live with my boyfriend of five years and my very fat ball of fur named Maximilian Pegasus Moon (my 6 year old Dutch cat). I'm music obsessed, collect shoes, and travel too much for my own good.

Featured clothing item: Fuzzy Mink Pink crop top from Twenty Ten. A few months ago I won a contest (for best styled outfit) that allowed me to go on a shopping spree in a local boutique. I had my eye on this for a few weeks and instantly grabbed it when I was told I would get a few items for free. On the rack it goes for 60$ and was available through most retailers that sell Mink Pink items. I've only had the opportunity to wear it once, I paired it with black skinny jeans and Aldo buckle suede boots. Add some red lips and it is a fabulous winter night item.

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