Sunday, July 22, 2012


I don't know why but I always feel a little anxious when I post writing like I did below -- so just to take some of the focus off my rant, here's a photo of me with a cone on my head.

I would also like everyone to take this moment to appreciate the genius of Johnny Cash.

Take, Take, Take.

(Image from IMDB) 

All too often we are witness to the downfall of the beautiful in Hollywood. We publicize their every move, every sin, and every fault. We are so desperate to see the rich and famous as equals that we criticize them to their deaths. It isn't until then that we appreciate their humanity.
May 14, 1987 brought the death of one of Hollywood's most beloved female icons, Rita Hayworth. She was beautiful, smart, talented and witty. Perhaps it is these qualities that brought Jack White to compose 'Take, Take, Take' about a fictional encounter with the star herself. This song is an exceptional example of how much people need to take before they can ever have a chance at satisfaction -- yet when it comes to celebrities it never will be enough.

Taking a moment to examine this song it becomes apparent just how unsure people are about what defines true contentment -- Jack White begins his night drinking comfortably with his friend when Rita Hayworth walks in. It is from that moment on that White is beside himself and all rationality, taking more and more from the beloved star, until he is no longer content with himself or her behavior. It is this that gives Hayworth a bad name, forcing her into the stereotype of pretentious celebrities. I must ask now, after reading these lyrics (featured below) and thinking of the behaviors you have had around famous individuals, how much your actions have effected the way you think of them. While I do not believe that the way celebrities are thought of and treated will change, I do believe that there should be no justification for the irrational way people behave around them.

However -- if people must continue to exploit the rich and famous, I hope to make the best of it and continue to be myself as I attempt to join the ranks of the pop culture industry. I just hope you can appreciate the truth in Jack White's words, even if no one will learn from them, and even if people keep screaming shrilly at the Twilight cast.

(My intentions here are not to sound pretentious myself, only to highlight behaviors I find incredibly strange. This is prompted in part due to two members of One Direction who are best friends no longer being able to hang out in public due to homophobic 'hate' publicity that puts them in a place of danger. -- Not that this should be an issue if they were to be in a relationship, nor am I a fan in any way of the teen boyband -- It is also in part due to my experiences in the industry and being briefed constantly on acceptable behavior, that I am shocked isn't something people just know walking in to certain situations with celebrities.)

I was sitting' there, 
I had a comfortable chair, 
And that was all that I needed.
Then my friend offered me
A drink for us to share
And that was all that I needed.

Well then I felt at ease
But then I'm not too hard to please,
I guess you couldn't call me greedy.

Then I was shocked to look up
And see Rita Hayworth there
In a place so seedy.
She walked into the bar
With her long red curly hair
And that was all that I needed.

I said to my friend
Good God we're lucky men
Just to even see her.

Take, Take, Take.
Take, Take, Take.
Take, Take, Take.

I could not resist, I just had to get close to her,
And that was all that I needed.
I walked and loomed around her table for a while,
And that was all that I needed.

And I said “I hate to bug you ma'am,
But can I have your autograph”
And that was all that I needed.

She pressed her lips against a white piece of paper,
And that was all that I needed.
Then I saw what she wrote, my heart is in my mouth,
And that was all that I needed.

Then she handed it to me,
and I think that she could see,
That that was all that I needed

I started to walk away, 
but then I remembered “Hey,
I forgot to get a picture.”
So I asked her one more time,
Could I have another favor,
That was all that I needed.

She was kind to pose with me,
Then I know my friends would see
My celebrity meeting.

Take, Take, Take.
Take, Take, Take.
Take, Take, Take.

So she said to me
“I need to go to sleep”
And it seems so mean.
It's almost as if she
Did not appreciate
How cool I was being.

She said “Goodnight” and walked away
And I didn't know what to say,
I just couldn't believe it!

Well, it's just not fair,
I just want to get a piece of hair,
And that was all that I needed.
Or maybe a kiss on the cheek,
I wouldn't wash it for a week,
That would be all that I needed.

Well, she didn't even care
That I was even there.
What a horrible feeling.

"All I wanted was just what everybody else wants, you know, to be loved." - Rita Hayworth 

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Only Happy When it Rains.

In 1997 Garbage became the first band I had found and chosen without the guidance of others. Up until then I had a meek collection of Spice Girl albums (Stop Right Now being my favorite song of the lot), and a long list of acid rock and jam bands that were in constant loop around my house. I was introduced to the band while watching MTV one morning in our tiny apartment in Oegstgeest, The Netherlands and I simply fell in love. From that moment on Shirley Manson became my personal hero, a real musician that I could look up to and admire. This of course isn't to say that I still didn't secretly pretend I was Baby Spice in my spare time, but only to state that my seven year old self clearly had some taste.

As I faced the trials and tribulations of growing up I never outgrew Garbage. I distinctly remember, in one of my more embarrassing phases, playing 'Cup of Coffee' on repeat after a boy broke up with me in seventh grade. Traumatized as I was at the time, I managed to move on and continue to cherish Garbage throughout all the good and bad times I encountered. In ninth grade, during Garbage's last tour, I finally got the opportunity to see them play. Although I already had tickets to Marilyn Manson on the same night, I knew that I had better priorities. These priorities did not however include the fact that it was finals week and my late night excursion to this particular show had me fail my maths final. All and all I would say it was worth it, as seeing Shirley up on the stage of Paradiso sent chills down my spine and, if at all possible, made my love for the band grow. 

After the band separated I was devastated. However, the impact they had made on my life pushed me into the music world, without the influence of my mother and my friends. This made it possible to accept the fact that they had moved on, and it was time for me to push toward my dreams. Shirley Manson and the rest of Garbage have been the role models I needed to carry on knowing that I could succeed. This of course is also due to Shirley's experience with the same struggles I have lived with, none of which I shall go into now. It is with this that I would like to thank these beautiful people and express just how much of an impact they can make on one person's life.

My love for Shirley Manson and the rest of the band has never died, as I have been able to carry them with me throughout my entire life. While I no longer rock the Baby Spice look and fandom, I have become indebted to all that Garbage has done for me. Fifteen years after my first encounter with this immaculate band, I am thrilled that they have joined forces once again to create a new album, and embark on a new tour. While I still have the unused ticket to their show in Melkweg (I happened to be an ocean away and in surgery while they played), I can only hope that their travels bring them near my new home.

Thank you. 

Sunday, July 8, 2012


I've realized that I now have over 6 blogs!

This is getting a bit crazy and causes me to abandon then constantly, so I've decided to start combining them. My idea is to keep this as my main (moving the food and music one to this one) and keep my tumblr as is. I'm a bit overwhelmed at the moment -- it's taking a toll on doing everything I love and enjoy. In order to sort my mind and internet space I will be moving posts to this blog/deleting old blogs throughout the next few weeks. It's also impossible to sort through my chaotic thoughts when flicking between a million different sites, passwords, usernames, and ideas.

Oddly enough my "music" blog that I haven't posted publicly on since May 2010 had nearly 200 views yesterday!

Wish me luck!