Wednesday, April 4, 2012


While the focus of this blog may be on fashion, I cannot help but share my obsession for music. Awhile ago I found this fantastically fun website called Drinkify. This site pairs music with drinks in a ridiculous way. I instantly tried Garbage (my favorite band that just released their first new single in 7 years!) and was greeted with the sudden need for a cold PBR and the rocking lyrics of Only Happy When it Rains.

After messing around for awhile on the site (Nirvana being paired with 10oz. of Marijuana and pickled carrot sticks, and Kiss being paired with a bottle of Blue Nun served at room temp) My boyfriend got a hold of the program. Needless to say I now know that if I ever listen to Notorious B.I.G. I will need to drink a bottle of champagne (sounds surprising but when listing to the music it becomes understandable).

I recommend checking this website out for kicks. It provides endless entertainment, laughs, and it plays music by each of the artists you select.

The creators of this site have developed a new way to show just how influential music is on our mood and our cravings (along with genre stereotyping...thank you Nirvana) and I couldn't be more excited to have my cold PBR and listen to the new Garbage album once it hits stores on May 14th.

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