Saturday, April 7, 2012

Taste of Winter

Sweater: Nasty Gal
Shoes: Aldo (Bought on Rodeo Drive)

While this is not my favorite look, I finally got my camera working so I had to post something! This is from a couple months ago when it was still icy and grey outside. Looking at this I realize how desperately I need to have my hair done. Unfortunately for me, I will not be touching it until I figure my summer out. No use dying it dark when I could be spending the months in a sunny place! I am set on cutting off about 5 inches though. It's waist length and unmanageable. 

I was in love with this sweater when I saw it on the Nasty Gal website but have not been too pleased with it since. The idea of the knit coming undone as a style may be great, but in practice it just makes the sweater fall apart faster. It is 100% wool though, making it perfect for the ice cold winters I've been forced to experience. 

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